Frequently asked questions:

1. What is Wish List?
2. How can I see other people's list?
3. I can't login. What can I do?
4. Can I use special characters?
5. What should I do if I want to buy someone a gift?
6. I got a gift from my list. What should I do?
7. I donated a gift. What should I do?

1. What is Wish List?
This site allows you to manage your online wishlist.

You can add items and organize them in folders.
Your friends can indicate they will get you a certain present to prevent others from getting the same thing (while you can't see what was removed from your list).

Groups bring together people that know each other.
All people in a group can see each other's list. Only join a group if you know the people in it and only allow people to a group if they know everybody in it.

2. How can I see other people's list?
You can only see people's list if you share a group. Groups bring together people that know each other.

a) First check if the other user already joined a group with people you know. Search for that group in the Search-section by typing (part of) its name. You can then request to join this group.

b) You might want to invite the other user to a group that you already joined. You can invite the other user by going to the Search-section and typing (part of) the other user's name. You can then choose "Invite".

c) A third option is to create a new group and invite the other user (only do this if there is no group yet that could bring you together). You do this by going to the Edit-section and choosing "Create a new group". After you created the group you can invite the other user as described in option 'b'.

3. I can't login. What can I do?
Was your account activated? After you created an account, an e-mail was sent with instructions on how to activate your account and how to login. You can request a new activation-mail by trying to log in with the correct username. A link will be presented that allows you to request an extra activation-mail.

Is your username correct? It can be found in the activation-mail.

4. Can I use special characters?
Yes. You can use special characters like single and double quotes (', "), less than and greater than (<, >) in your name, password, group names, folder names, item titles, item descriptions and prices.

5. What should I do if I want to buy someone a gift?
You should "choose" the item. Go to the user's list, click on the item you want to buy and then choose it by clicking on "Choose this item". You then indicate that nobody else should buy this gift. If, later on, it turns out you won't be donating the gift, you still have the opportunity to release the item. You do this by going to the Home-section and clicking "Chosen items". Each item here has a release-link behind it.

6. I got a gift from my list. What should I do?
You should delete it. Go to My List and click the "remove" icon after it. The item will be moved to your "Removed Items". Now click the "delete" icon after it to permanently delete the item.

7. I donated a gift. What should I do?
Nothing. Wait for the receiver of the gift to delete the item.

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